Monday, July 27, 2009

My Twitter & GSNLive's Money Meter & Clued In

Everyone, got an update for you all.

My Twitter:
Well I set up a twitter account just for this blog and my GSN Activities alone. It's located @ Please do feel free to follow the tweets that we well tweet on twitter. And I really don't know how any other way to say that.

GSNLive's Money Meter & Clued In:
As you all know there is a GSN Live game called, Money Meter, which keeps increasing for everyone logging on to Though it also adds up for the entries into their live contests. You can get up to 60 entries, if you decide to enter your # for 10times per hour. And well unfortunately today's contestant failed to answer the question correctly. Starting $11, 675. So I am wishing goodluck on winning.

Now for Clued In, GSNLive has added a brand new game called "CLUED IN". Everyday during the week GSNLive will be showing a video of Ken Jennings giving a clue to a mystery thing. It's basically like playing a giant game of Password Plus, except you don't have to guess the mini-passwords that clue you in to the major password. Go to and click on the Clued In icon. You have 10 entries per day. And you can only enter 10 times a day from Mon-Thur. The answer will be revealed by Friday. Also to recap yourself on clues check out GSN Live's Facebook page on Though just to fill you in, your clues are so far:


If you think you got it, enter now. I will be adding the clues as well to the blog for you all.

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